Sunday, March 20, 2016

From Fat to Fit

Social media, and the media in general, today is crazy to me.  All the "shaming" that happens, the ugliness and mean-spirited commentary, especially as it relates to how others look.  Such judgement and discrimination, it makes me so angry. I've been on the receiving end of that, for most of my life actually. As an overweight person. I want more kindness and encouragement, more love and acceptance of others and of ourselves.
I am so grateful to my parents that they instilled in me self-worth and confidence in who I am, regardless of how I looked on the outside. I never really suffered from body image issues. Quite the opposite actually. Although I have been overweight since childhood, who I saw in the mirror was not a fat person, but a human being. I've always been comfortable in my skin and with who I am. So now, since I am no longer overweight* and am exceptionally fit, my view in the mirror is only slightly different. I am still the same human being I have always been but now I'm wrapped in a different package. I still feel the same. But I know others' perception of me is different.
It's really been a head trip. Because people that I meet now, have no idea about my past. One of the instructors at the gym recently said to me "I thought you were an athlete, you have an amazing physique." She found out about my weight loss through a mutual acquaintance. This really got me thinking about image and how we perceive each other and the judgements we place on one another based on outward appearances, be it weight, skin color, disability, etc. I have never been, nor do I want to be, even now, defined by my pant size. I am so much more than that. Everyone is. 
So my internal struggle now is should I tell? I'm at a crossroads right now and I'm torn. I'll be starting a new job soon (hopefully) and I've been thinking about if I should tell people about my transformation. On one hand, I feel like there will always be judgement. That once they know, they'll always associate me as the overweight girl. But this is a prime opportunity to reinvent myself. Since I've had to replace every piece of clothing I own, down to my socks, it's been a great opportunity to redefine my style.  So should I go all in and redefine myself? And just be the healthy, fit girl? On the other hand, it's a huge accomplishment and something that I'm proud of. It's part of who I am and it gives me a unique perspective. It provides an opportunity to inspire or educate someone who may be struggling. 
I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.
And now that you're thinking about it, I encourage you to reflect on those judgements you may have towards others. Are you seeing their true self or are you judging them based on their outward appearance? I invite you to look at yourself with a new filter, one that is free of judgement and is truly accepting of who you are, flaws and all. Because you are awesome just the way you are.

*As a side note, I don't like to say that I "lost" weight. I didn't lose it, I know exactly where it is. It's on the floor at the gym.


  1. Trish - What wonderful words. I never saw you as anything but a charming, loving, fantastic sister who I shared a lot of laughter with through the years. I love your transformation but maybe not for the reasons you are thinking. I love what that has taken place internally with you. The look in your eyes and the pride I see in you makes you even more beautiful than before. And I thought you were pretty awesome previously. Stay strong sister and continue to enjoy life!

  2. Trish you have always been the smart mormal nice cuz. You always made me feel at ease. I see your journey via Facebook and I am amazed at the transformation. You are inspiring to others.
